〽️ List of most asked Programming Interview Questions 〽️
〽️ Arrays
- How is an array sorted using quicksort?
- How do you reverse an array?
- How do you remove duplicates from an array?
- How do you find the 2nd largest number in an unsorted integer array?
〽️ Linked Lists
- How do you find the length of a linked list?
- How do you reverse a linked list?
- How do you find the third node from the end?
- How are duplicate nodes removed in an unsorted linked list?
〽️ Strings
- How do you check if a string contains only digits?
- How can a given string be reversed?
- How do you find the first non-repeated character?
- How do you find duplicate characters in strings?
〽️ Binary Trees
- How are all leaves of a binary tree printed?
- How do you check if a tree is a binary search tree?
- How is a binary search tree implemented?
- Find the lowest common ancestor in a binary tree?
〽️ Graph
- How to detect a cycle in a directed graph?
- How to detect a cycle in an undirected graph?
- Find the total number of strongly connected components?
- Find whether a path exists between two nodes of a graph?
- Find the minimum number of swaps required to sort an array.
〽️ Dynamic Programming
1. Find the longest common subsequence?
2. Find the longest common substring?
3. Coin change problem?
4. Box stacking problem?
5. Count the number of ways to cover a distance?
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