Combinators and pseudo-classes in CSS


Combinators and pseudo-classes in CSS 



    CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is used to style HTML elements on a web page. CSS provides a wide range of selectors to target specific HTML elements and apply styles to them. Combinators and Pseudo-classes are two types of selectors used in CSS to target specific elements on a web page. In this blog, we will discuss these selectors with examples and conclude with their importance in web development.


    Combinators are selectors that are used to select elements based on their relationship with other elements.

There are four types of combinators in CSS:

1. Descendant Selector :- This selector is used to select elements that are descendants of a particular element. It is represented by a space between two selectors.

For example, the following code selects all the <p> elements that are descendants of the <div> element:

div p {



2. Child Selector :- This selector is used to select only the direct children of an element. It is represented by a ">" symbol between two selectors.

For example, the following code selects all the <p> elements that are direct children of the <div> element:

div > p {



3. Adjacent Sibling Selector :- This selector is used to select an element that is immediately after another element. It is represented by a "+" symbol between two selectors. 

For example, the following code selects the <p> element that is immediately after the <h2> element:

div + p {



4. General Sibling Selector :- This selector is used to select all elements that are siblings of an element. It is represented by a "~" symbol between two selectors.

For example, the following code selects all the <p> elements that are siblings of the <h2> element:

div ~ p {




    Pseudo-classes are selectors that are used to select elements based on their state or position in the document. There are several types of pseudo-classes in CSS, some of which are:

1) :hover :- This selector is used to apply styles when an element is hovered over by the user.

For example, the following code changes the color of a button when it is hovered over:

button:hover {



1) :active :- This selector is used to apply styles when an element is being clicked by the user.

For example, the following code changes the color of a button when it is being clicked:

button:active {



3) :nth-child :- This selector is used to select elements based on their position among their siblings.

For example, the following code selects every other <p> element and applies a background color to it:

p:nth-chile(odd) {




    Combinators and Pseudo-classes are powerful selectors in CSS that allow web developers to target specific elements on a web page and apply styles to them. By using combinators and pseudo-classes, developers can create dynamic and interactive web pages that enhance the user experience. Understanding these selectors is essential for anyone who wants to become proficient in web development.

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